The ONLY 2 pages you need to make $100,000+ online
Let me unpack this for you. This strategy pulls in leads like a vacuum on steroids! I learned it from one of my mentors a few years ago, and it’s something I always talk about.
First, let’s understand where the current market is at on any given day.
3% of people are ready to buy your product or service right now. In their heads, they might be thinking, “I’m thirsty, and I want it now.” Imagine you sell beverages—these are your hot buyers.
17% are in the information-gathering phase. They’re thinking, “I’m kind of thirsty; what should I be drinking?” These are your warm prospects.
20% are aware they have a problem but aren’t sure what to do. They’re asking, “What should I drink?” These are your cool leads.
60% are completely unaware they even have a problem. They’re not thirsty and don’t think they need anything. This is your cold traffic.
As business owners and marketers, we often target that 3%, leaving the other 97% on the table. But with this strategy, you’ll learn how to capture and convert them with just two pages.
Right now, people are skeptical of everything online. They’re cautious about businesses like yours. Our job is to reduce that skepticism by collecting emails and SMS numbers through a high-value content offer. This process builds trust, leading them from skepticism to "Take my money!"
Here’s how it works: You start with an opt-in page where you offer something valuable for free, like a consultation, checklist, or a video course. This gets you their name, email, and phone number. Once you have that, you can start building trust with them through a series of emails or SMS messages, gradually offering more value until they’re ready to buy.
Let me share a success story. We had a client in the renovation space who followed this exact strategy. Over six weeks, they built a database of 25 SMS numbers. From just 25 SMS messages, they booked 112 calls, conducted 26 in-home visits, and sold 12 kitchens, bringing in $400,000 in revenue. And it all started with a simple 12-page PDF on the latest kitchen and bathroom trends.
The key takeaway here is that the first page—the opt-in page—is where the magic happens. It’s all about collecting the information you need to market to them consistently. Whether it’s weekly, monthly, or however you choose, you now have control over how and when you reach out.
This strategy works across industries. If you’re in HVAC, your offer could be a free furnace filter. Once they opt in, you can market your maintenance contracts, warranties, and more, turning a simple offer into a long-term customer relationship.
To sum it up, these are the only two pages you’ll ever need: the opt-in page and the landing page. We’ve used this strategy with several contractors, and it’s consistently brought in results.
I hope this helps. My name is Paul Myers, and I’m with Clark Marketing Communications in North Bay. I specialize in driving leads and growing businesses through digital marketing. Thank you for watching!
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Paul Meyers
Paul Meyers
The ONLY 2 pages you need to make $100,000+ online
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