Feb '24 (edited) in Announcements
Introducing: "The Mastermind"
I don't normally do this and I may never do it again but if you want to get to $10,000/month with your online contentpreneurship business then keep reading.
I'm organizing a very intimate mastermind starting Feb 11 so you can launch or grow your online coaching business.
Just send me a DM with the code "999" and I'll reply with all the details.
It's not for everyone and if I don't think you'd be a good fit don't worry I won't let you waste your time/money.
This mastermind is only for you if:
1) You have a POSITIVE mental attitude (No negative nancies)
2) You want to be a coach/teacher/leader online
3) You're not afraid to show your face on camera and make content
4) You want to use Skool
5) You want to sell a HT offer with a LT option as well
We'll meet 2x/week and I'll make it super affordable for beginners, but it will be maxed out at 20-30 people.
DM me "999" if you want to take part and get to $10,000/month.
Photos: me and the team optimizing, making those 1% improvements.
Ted Carr
Introducing: "The Mastermind"
Contentpreneurship.com (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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