How to blow up your YouTube channel (this Thursday only)
If you're serious about growing your YouTube channel, you need to read this:
This Thursday my YouTube coach Kai will be hosting a YouTube virality mastermind exclusively for members of this Skool community.
He’ll teach you:
• How to make videos that go viral.
• How the YouTube algorithm actually works
• How to package your videos to go viral
• How to create videos that attract your customers
• How to make it impossible to fail
Kai normally charges $1,000/hour for his consulting (and it’s worth it), and here you’ll get access to him for an hour for FREE.
Plus you’ll get:
1 - A PDF breaking down the genius YouTube strategy of Hormozi
2 - A free (private 1 on 1) YouTube strategy call with Kai
And yes, I mean THIS THURSDAY.
May 23rd. 5pm PST/8pm EST.
And because Kai is trying to win the Skool games, this is a one-time event... AKA we won’t do this again!
There are only 100 spaces. First come first serve. If we sell out, sorry.
If you’re interested, join sooner rather than later.
Remember, it only takes one viral video to change the course of your life.
And Kai is going to teach you how to become a viral video engine. (But we’re only going to share this information once.)
And if you have any questions, leave a comment down below or pop me a message
Ted Carr
How to blow up your YouTube channel (this Thursday only) (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
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