May 25 (edited) in 🤖 AI
INSTANTLY Swap AI Models In Your Automations
What if you could easily swap out your AI models in your automations?
As GPT 4o came out I realized I had atleast 40 automations and 100s of nodes within those automations running on gpt 3 and 4 and also on Claude.
It was going to be a pain to switch. So i built an intermediate service that lets me hotswap models with the flip of a switch.
I can instantly switch ChatGPT for Claude, or Gpt3 for 4 or 4o.
And that changes every automation im using instantly to the new model.
Not something you need when you're just getting started, but once you have 40 plus automations or more and 100s or 1000s of GPT nodes in production its vital.
Otherwise updating them all is overwhelming.
Would you use a service like this?
Stephen G. Pope
INSTANTLY Swap AI Models In Your Automations
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