Im giving up, yall.
I got into the marketing and media space because after a decade of formally and informally studying psychology, communication, and media in all different formats, I believed in the power that relationship building had to change people’s lives. From creatives to business owners. I believed in the power of building genuine connections with people and building digital assets that can do that for you for years down the road no matter what you do or what you sell.
Unfortunately, with the rise of short form content and all of the vanity metrics that come with it, people seem to have forgotten all about what the words connection and relationship really mean. Everyone’s chasing some “magic number” of views or likes to feel fulfillment and feel like their marketing is working when, in reality, it’s a race to the bottom. And it’s a race that I don’t want to be apart of.
So I won’t be.
If you want to feed the short form beast, be my guest. Find one of the hundreds of short form agencies, hire a low budget editor, use one of the thousands of AI platforms, there are countless ways to get it done. This whole chasing trends and looking for the highest volume of videos at the lowest cost is only a bandaid on a much bigger problem that both creators and businesses have. Genuine, authentic, REAL fans. Real connections. Real customers.
Does that mean I quit marketing and my business? HELL NO.
It just means I wont be offering any kind of short-form only marketing services. If we aren't working on some kind of long form media (video, blogging, emails, podcasts, etc.) or some kind of back end lead nurture system, I wont be helping you with short form. I'm here to build ecosystems and build creators and businesses that want longevity and a real future.
My DMs are always open to chat more about this.
Cheers and happy RELATIONSHIP and CONNECTION building.
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Payam Bipar
Im giving up, yall.
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