A Simple Video Structure top Youtubers Use
I spent couple days analyzing top educational creators and found a fundamental video structure they use that keeps us hooked throughout the video. This structure is composed of four essential parts:
- Intro:
1. Present a relatable problem.
2. Explain how this video can benefit the viewer.
- Act 1: Problem
1. Dive into an explanation of the problem.
2. Share how this problem personally affected the creator.
- Act 2: Solution
1. Discover the solution.
2. Explain the solution using a clear and concise list format:
- Solution 1
- Solution 2
- Solution 3
- Solution 4
- Act 3: Conclusion
1. Bring it all together in the conclusion.
2. Highlight how these solutions transformed the creator's life or resolved the problem.
i hope this was helpful
Datta Nishith
A Simple Video Structure top Youtubers Use
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