Schwab Affinity Services
I came across this again today, but trying to cement it in my brain as a go-to resource looking for tech and services for RIAs. So maybe I'll just put it all in an article with LinkedIn links and everything:
Schwab Affinity Services
affinity = a spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something
google's words, not mine.
Now for some of Schwab's words:
Find third-party providers quickly, easily, and at preferred pricing
Get a head start on your search with our curated collection of 100+ third-party, RIA-focused providers covering the key areas essential to managing and growing your business.
**Client experience**
  • Client appreciation and events
  • Client engagement and feedback
  • Client support
**Corporate providers**
  • Hotel
  • Office supplies
  • Technology
**Marketing and growth**
  • Business development
The Collaborative Exchange - I think, not sure if this is the right one
  • Digital and content marketing
Edge Partners™ Creative Growth
  • Marketing, advertising, and PR
FMG Suite
  • Marketing automation
**Mergers and acquisitions**
  • Valuation and deal structure
**Ops and business solutions**
  • Back-office support
  • Office set up
Colliers International
**Research and planning**
  • Research
MarketDesk Research
Vermilion Research
**Insurance/Risk management**
  • Compliance support and technology
  • Cybersecurity
FCI Cyber
  • Insurance
  • Legal
Kupfer & Associates, PLLC
The Law Offices of Patrick Burns, Jr. P.C.
Stark & Stark
  • Registration
**Talent strategies**
  • Talent development
  • Talent management
**Last, but not least: Technology**
  • All in one
  • CRM
Deltek Vantagepoint
  • Financial planning
  • IT Infrastructure
Thrive Networks
  • Portfolio management
  • Risk analysis
Unlike Schwab's website, my list is clickable. So how does one get on this list?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Joe Moss
Schwab Affinity Services
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