Your Personal Growth Fuels Community Growth
Growing a Skool community isn’t just about what you do—it’s about WHO you are becoming.
If you want to lead a community that transforms the lives of its members, you must first transform YOURSELF. It starts with you pushing past your own limitations, both personally and professionally.
Ask yourself: What stories have I been telling myself that are keeping me from stepping into this next level of leadership?
What habits or beliefs are holding me back?
Whether it’s fear of failure, perfectionism, or a reluctance to let go of control, this inner work is critical if you want to achieve something you’ve never had before.
Sometimes the biggest growth comes not from a new strategy, but from a shift in MINDSET.
When you embrace the idea that failure is part of the process, that stepping into discomfort is necessary for success, you become unstoppable.
And when your community sees you modelling this courage, they’ll follow your lead.
Are you GROWING to grow your community?
Christine Szinner
Your Personal Growth Fuels Community Growth
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