Stranger things 😎
We all hear about how getting those first three members is a major milestone for any new Skool community.
Trust me, I totally get that.
Getting three people in definitely eases that initial 'empty restaurant syndrome' we all dread when starting a new group. (Even though one of those three members is, cough, us.)
But there's another key milestone that doesn't get enough fanfare early on:
😮 The arrival of a completely random person.
😮 A human being you never even knew existed.
Sure, your family and FB friends might join to make your group look baseline respectable.
And your Skool pals? Some will jump in to support you because they've been through those same birth pains.
Arguably though, the first truly ecstatic moment comes when a total stranger examines your About Page, thinks, "Mmmm-hmmm, looks good to me!" and decides to join.
They're not doing this to help you out.
They're not doing this to give you a boost.
🔥 They're doing this solely because they feel what you're offering will benefit THEM.
That's when it’s time to pop open that (small) champagne. 🍾
Because from that point onwards, your concept isn’t just an idea — it has proof.
🎉 Drop a gif to share how deeply you resonate with this.
And tell me: how well do you remember your first stranger?
I honestly don't remember, because I'm such a goaty Skool veteran 🐐
I do remember that awesome feeling, but not the stranger 🤔
OH YES, I remember - in fact, the stranger and I are now married 😍
I'm still waiting for that stranger to show up 😟
Something else and I will comment it right at you 🤠
12 votes
Jason Arnopp
Stranger things 😎
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