I Use AI-Generated Visuals to Grow My Skool
Visuals grab attention quickly.
People remember images better.
More images, more shares.
  1. Open ChatGPT 4.0 [ Paid ]
  2. Paste the content [ post ] you want a visual for
  3. Ask it to create a visual that compliments the post
This is the visual I generated and shared today.
[ If you want to cook great biryani, here’s what you do:
1. Find someone you know who makes awesome biryani.
2. Ask them to show you how, step by step.
3. Practice making it, get their feedback, and keep at it until you nail it.
Now, if you want to shine on LinkedIn, it’s pretty much the same drill:
1. Find someone who’s really good at LinkedIn.
2. Get them to walk you through what to do, step by step.
3. Give it a go, get some feedback, and keep tweaking your approach until you get it just right.
A lot of folks make LinkedIn sound super complicated because they want to sell you pricey courses or consulting packages.
But trust me, you don’t need all that fuss or a $10,000 a month guru to get great at LinkedIn.
Our community is all about keeping it simple and real.
We’ll help you step by step, with plenty of feedback along the way to make sure you’re on track.
Wanna join us?
Shoot me a message with 'community' to find out how we can help you level up on LinkedIn. ]
Imran Khushal
I Use AI-Generated Visuals to Grow My Skool
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