Aug 9 (edited) in Strategy
How to Position Yourself as a High Ticket Expert on Skool (post 1)
August 7th will go down in history for me as the day that I made my first post on SKOOL!
I didn’t just land here haphazardly, I’ve planned my entrance onto Skool like D-Day storming Normandy…
Since I’m entering this community STRONG, here’s what this EPIC Post, will focus on:
(1) Positioning Yourself as a High Ticket Expert on SKOOL.
(2) Thinking Strategically about your Presence Here.
(3) Building the Ultimate PAID Community of People that want to ASCEND to Your Higher Ticket Offers.
This Post is for you if you:
(a) Already have a high ticket offer and have made over $10,000 in sales.
(b) You know you are destined to make several million dollars in the next 2-3 years…(whether you’re only making $10K/mo now, or if you’re making $250K/mo)...You believe in your SOUL that you are destined for GREATNESS!
You’re in the right place.
Who am I to Make these Claims?
I invented High Ticket Organic Marketing on Facebook.
I was the first person on earth to do it. It was a whole different world back then.
90 Days after logging onto Facebook for the first time, I sold out a 50 spot course @$5,000/each.
Why Am I Here?
I’ve been waiting for SKOOL to mature to where I believed it was worth my time to come here and invest heavily into building a presence here.
Over the last 2 months, I’ve had conversations with more than 20 people that are making over $100K a month that either mentioned Skool as their next strategic channel to deploy, or that they were seriously thinking about investigating Skool (but weren’t fully committed yet).
Last week, I reached the point where I BELIEVE that taking Skool seriously right now is like getting into Facebook Groups in 2015. I’ve watched the platform grow, and I know some seriously major names that are making 8 and 9 figures that are secretly planning to leverage this platform. I know the storm is coming…
And I’m giving you the head’s up.
Personally, I’m planning my own organic invasion over the next few weeks. Before I turn on the $25,000/mo test budget of ads to start funneling people into my paid community on Skool (which I built yesterday), I’m testing out the unique organic strategies that I don’t see anyone doing on this platform yet, which I know will DOMINATE and CRUSH this platform.
What I see is a handful of smart people…and a LOT of inexperienced people that don’t quite understand how to really take advantage of Skool at all. Since the platform is growing, everyone is kind of “getting lucky,” as it grows…
But the smart ones can become wealthy off of this platform…and they are getting wealthy at record speeds. So Positioning Yourself from the START is Good Strategy, because there is serious money at stake.
What are the positioning mistakes that I see?
(1) Talking to Everyone in the Public Community to level up more rapidly. I’m not saying that this isn’t
valuable at all (leveling up builds authority within the platform)...
It’s not the fast path to making money. If you’re spending time having meaningless conversations with people that aren’t your ideal client…then it’s just a fancy distraction that wastes your time, burns your energy and delays your true intention to make sales (remember that this post is intended for people with high ticket offers, so you already know exactly who your ideal client is).
(2) Not having a clear content strategy. You’re openly showing the serious and seasoned entrepreneurs here that you don’t know what you’re doing when you’re here without a content strategy, making random posts, just trying to ride the wave of meaningless engagement that doesn’t give real value…just connecting with anyone.
It’s not something that you can’t recover from, but why start at a disadvantage when there are really smart people here competing against you?…to show your cards as an obvious amateur puts you at a disadvantage…it’s soooo much better to appear to be a high level professional from the very beginning, because BELIEF is what creates the magic!
My Commitment to This Community:
Now that I’ve made my grand entrance with this post, here is what I will contribute to this community through my posts:
(1)My Posts Will Focus On:
i.) The science of selling through conversations. I will show you how to ensure with 100% accuracy that you are ALWAYS speaking to an ideal client on Skool.
ii.) Structuring your paid community on Skool so that you have paying members (MRR) that are also pre-sold, objectionless high ticket clients that will naturally upgrade and work with you on your $3,000-$10,000+ offers.
iii). The mindset of a millionaire and an investor so that you adopt the beliefs and habits of multi-millionaires, and when you read my posts over the next 6-60 months, you will slowly transform into a multi-millionaire, just by developing the right mental habits.
iv.) How to become an ICON on Skool. My mission and my brand is ICON, and it’s to help experts become an ICON that is well known for getting industry-leading results for their clients.
Thank you for reading this far…
If you have any questions or comments, I’m a member of this community and I will answer your questions openly and honestly, just to help you. We both build trust and level up with experience points in this community, so I am always HAPPY to HELP YOU by having a meaningful conversation in the comments.
Aloha, 🤙
Brian “Drank the Skool-aide” Campbell
P.S. I’m a firm believer in building connections, forming relationships, creating alliances, and creatively working together to collaborate and help each other out, feel free to share with me who you serve and what your goals are, I’m always excited to meet ambitious entrepreneurs!
Brian Campbell
How to Position Yourself as a High Ticket Expert on Skool (post 1)
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