Do the Simple Things They add up.
In a world of overwhelming to-do lists, ringing phones, and constant pressure... Sometimes the simplest actions can lead to the biggest wins.
I have been hosting Night Dumps for my group members for 2 weeks and this is what I have learned from doing it concisely and what their feedback has concluded me to.
🚨Take aways
✍️ Stay Focused on the End ResultEven when doubts creep inAlign your actions with your goals
✍️ Small Ideas Can Have Big ImpactDon't underestimate the power of "insignificant" toolsWhat's familiar to you might be transformative for others
✍️ Simplicity SellsPeople often pay for simple, effective solutionsYour "too simple" idea might be exactly what others need
✍️ Persistence Pays OffExample: A new session started two weeks agoResults have been "epic"Repeat customers returning consistently
✍️ Challenge Your Doubts"It won't work" is often a lie we tell ourselves"No one will pay for this" is rarely true for valuable solutions
Just because it's simple to you, doesn't mean it can't change someone else's life.
Embrace the power of small, consistent actions. They add up to create remarkable results.
4 Steps to Make It Happen:
🫡 Identify Your "Simple Wins" Take a moment to reflect on your skills and knowledge. What comes easily to you? What do others often ask you for help with? These are your potential "simple wins."
🫡 Start Small, Start Now Choose one simple idea or service you can offer immediately. Don't overthink it. Set a goal to implement it within the next 7 days.
🫡 Seek Immediate Feedback After offering your simple solution to a few people, ask for honest feedback. What did they find most valuable? How can you improve? Use this information to refine your offering.
🫡 Create a "Quick Wins" routine Dedicate 30 minutes each day to focus solely on these simple, high-impact tasks. Consistency is key. Over time, these small efforts will compound into significant results.
What simple idea are you holding back? It might be the key to your next big success.
Remember: The goal is progress, not perfection. Each small step forward is a victory worth celebrating.
Take action today. Your simple idea could be the solution someone else has been searching for.
P.S. Fish or Chicken? Let me know below which one is better?
Angela Perry
Do the Simple Things They add up.
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