Are you new to Skool or Entrepreneurship?
Or maybe doing community based biz is completely foreign to you based on the past biz experience you have had???
If you aren’t new, drop your number one tip 👇🏻
If you are new, are you wondering what methods you should use to help you get up to speed and running on this new adventure?!
Everything comes down to time or money, which is it you want to invest into your future?
If you have time but not excess money, that may mean taking time to learn, the classroom here is loaded with skool set up basics, the search function brings up past posts from others with a wealth of knowledge, and so many beautiful humans here in this space are ready to help once you post if you still have questions!
If you have money but not much time, then you are looking at hiring peeps to do those things you don’t love doing, or finding a mentor/coach that will help you with accountability and keep you on track.
One of the best ways imo is to find a mentor… while it may seem like someone goes from zero to hero overnight, that rarely is the case.
Oftentimes, there are years behind that of trial and error, launched and failed businesses, and loads of inner work they went through to be able to hold what you now saw them accomplish.
Want to be able to side step more of that sort of ish?
Find yourself someone that has been through the wringer and can help you along your own way… not to tell you to do it exactly how they did, but someone that can help you do things along your own path.
But I don’t have money for coaching. Then you find some free spaces to get started with (not a ton cause you might end up in a mindfuckery tornado of conflicting opinions and methods) or find someone that’s a few steps ahead of you and has more bandwidth for personal attention, or find a group coaching space that may fall within your budget and get to work!
Sarah Hankins
Are you new to Skool or Entrepreneurship?
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