14h ago (edited) in Strategy
4️⃣ Humbling Truths to Self-Development On Skool!
My expertise in self-development is continuing to grow on this platform. I continue to be amazed at the support, and opportunity to be humbled in this community 🙏🏼
Self-Development/Personal Development is an obvious component of the efforts of a majority, if not all members I have come across in this community. I have seen it in so many posts where people willingly share there wisdom, what they have learned, what they are reading, mistakes they make, and it’s BEAUTIFUL.
From this, I continue to add it to WHY self-development is a focus of my Strategy, even though my expertise is in self-development, I can recognize the areas I am not as strong in, or for that matter, COMPLETELY IGNORANT about. This is what makes Skool a prized opportunity for me. I am balanced mostly (because there is slippage) in my mind-body-soul practices to insure my offering of personal development to others is as sharp as I can make it. But, I have found that a major lapse in my development is in my ability to MARKET (or share what value I bring to the attention to those I look to serve), and I have discovered a priceless amount in just 8 days here on Skool! It just goes to show effort brings growth, and wow has it been uncomfortable coming to some truths.
Here are a few humbling truths to guide me into a more strongly rooted content strategy:
  1. Interacting without the soul intention of offering value that moves people to the bigger vision I have planned, may not be the best engagement… even though connecting to people for any reason comes meaningfully and easy to me.
  2. Posting posts to share ideas may be a good strategy - if that is the strategy, but if it is not, then I need to be timed, make a coordinated effort, and BRING THE BEST I’VE GOT.
  3. Articulating my intent in a networking community needs to abide by guidelines - something I had lost track of due to the motivation to start sharing what I know. “People don’t care about what you know, if they don’t know you care.” An often referenced quote of mine that ended up in the backseat when learning the marketing side. The people I have met so far were the right people.
  4. Mentorship and mentoring has been an important part of my life, and I am humbled to recognize that I need mentorship in this space of marketing if I am going to be able to share my expertise in a transformational way that I am dedicated to sharing.
As someone who spends their time cultivating their consciousness on their health, sense of self, and soul - it’s humbling to know we are all human.
Share how self-development is part of your strategy, and how it benefits the community you build on Skool!
Dr. Dustin Marsh
4️⃣ Humbling Truths to Self-Development On Skool!
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