what’s in your cup?
You’re holding a cup of coffee, and someone bumps into you, causing you to spill it everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee?
You might think it’s because someone bumped you, but that’s not quite it.
You spilled the coffee because the coffee was in the cup.
If there had been tea in your cup, you would’ve spilled tea.
Whatever’s inside the cup is what comes out when it gets shaken.
The same goes for us.
When life shakes us—and it will—whatever’s inside is what spills out.
It’s easy to stay composed when things are going smoothly, but when we’re rattled, our true emotions show. So the real question is, what’s in your cup?
When life gets tough, what spills out of you?
Is it joy, gratitude, peace, or humility? Or is it anger, bitterness, victimhood, or frustration?
We don’t always have control over life’s bumps and jolts, but we do have control over how we fill our cups.
It’s on us to choose what we carry inside.
So, today, let’s focus on filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, resilience, and kindness.
Let’s fill them with love and gentleness for ourselves and others.
When life inevitably shakes us, we want what spills over to reflect the best of who we are.
Randy Hyden
what’s in your cup?
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