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Hey everyone, welcome to the Sustainability school.
The goal of this 'skool' is to help leaders, thinkers, and do-ers in small and medium-sized businesses, and consultants grow their businesses by mastering the concepts of sustainable development and the circular economy in the great transformation for the Global Challenge of our time - Sustaining Life On Earth.
This is a safe place where you can meet others, have great discussions, and share awesome content, learnings, and experiences. Together we can start a dynamic movement to transform small and medium-sized enterprises to success using sustainably circular business models.
So, let’s get this started by checking out these links.
To kick this off, please comment below, introducing yourself so we know who's in our growing SME community!
  1. Your name, business type and where you are located.
  2. What you would like to learn in our community.
  3. A fascinating fact that most people don’t know about you.
Welcome “Earthians” everywhere! I'll see you in the comments!
1 comment
Kenneth Alston
Start Here
Sustainability School
A place for business leaders and consultants to succeed in harmony with Nature's model!
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