Welcome to The Church Marketing Academy.
Now, let's take action and follow the instructions below to get started.
✅ Step 1: Introduce Yourself
Say "Hi!" to everyone in our community!
Just copy and paste the questions below, and maybe add some extra details if you want:
  • What's your name?
  • What's your role?
  • What church are you at?
  • What is your Instagram handle?
  • What is the #1 outcome you want to achieve being here?
  • What is the #1 obstacle getting in the way of achieving that outcome?
Post it as a comment on the welcome post - pinned in the community. We're all here to get to know each other, so feel free to share as much as you want. No need to be shy! :-)
✅ Step 2: Unlocking Levels
We're all about community.
This means we're active, engaged, and supportive of everybody here. We need YOUR help to make this a thriving community. That's why we incentivize our members for interacting with one another.
Here's how it works:
  • You level up by commenting on other people's posts AND by sharing posts yourself.
  • Your level is shown at the bottom right of your avatar.
  • You earn more points the more you engage with others inside this community.
  • 1 like = 1 point.
Here's how the point system works:
  • Level 1 = 0 points
  • Level 2 = 5 points
  • Level 3 = 20 points
Here's what you can do to level up fast:
  • Hit 'Like' 👍 on every helpful post or comment you see to help others level up.
  • Organize your posts cleanly like I'm doing now. This makes your posts easier to read.
  • Make sure your profile picture is a photo of you.
Complete action
Chandler Boyce
Church Marketing Academy FREE
Get the strategies and solutions to implement an effective digital marketing strategy for your church, all for FREE! Church growth starts here.
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