Day 1 of 5 - AI Tiny Challenge - 5 F's
Post your greatest takeaway here...
5 ways to make money
1) BEST IDEAS for solutions...
i.e. Elon Musk, I.e. Donal Trump, i.e. UBER, i.e. Air BNB
2) MAKE MONEY/IMPACT WITH YOUR MOUTH (Singer, Actor/Actress, Coach, Consultant)
ie. Erwin from $100 an hour to $500, $1000 an hour
world teaches
3) Executive team VP, CEO...
4) Boss manager, trading time for money
5) Trading time for money, you work per hour, mcdonalds, warehousing, entry level positions
Erwin Garcia
Day 1 of 5 - AI Tiny Challenge - 5 F's
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