What is happening peeps :)
My name is Danny Burns,
22 years old,
From Greystones Ireland,
Studying philosophy and geography.
As can be seen in my bio I’m all about travelling, surfing, lifting and having a f*cking vibrant time! I have travelled quite a lot and plan to perpetuate that shit! I have been running a YouTube channel for 2 months now and will be documenting my travels, surfs and daily happenings. I plan to administer my all into this project, my goal is to create the best content possible for you guys. If anyone else is pursuing the same kind of epic shit or think I could help you in any way possible I’d love for you to get in touch and have a chat!
Link to the up and coming YouTube empire 👇🏽 If the vids provide you with a crafty bit of entertainment do subscribe and stay involved for this epic journey through life.
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Danny Burns
chaser collective
A place for out-of-the-box thinkers to reach their own version of freedom by exploring the path less taken.
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