Jan '23 (edited) in Announcements
Our Mission
2023 was statistically the most competitive year of all recorded years of entry into Monash University Medical School.
This means that more people are figuring out how to maximise their chances of getting into Medicine.
Unfortunately, it is no longer a game of who can skillfully separate themselves from the rest of the pack. It is a game of who can pay to separate themselves (through paid tuition).
We believe that every student deserves the right to access a baseline level of tuition.
Every student deserves an opportunity to reach their potential.
Every student deserves a chance.
That's why we've made our $400 UCAT Video Course (over 4 hours of content) completely free.
Will this make the UCAT more competitive? Yes.
Is that a bad thing? We don't think so.
At Med Prep School, we're all about setting the bar higher so that the future generation of doctors is the best it can be.
So, what are you waiting for? Get Started Now!
Farhan Uddin
Our Mission
Med Prep School Community
A baseline level of tutoring should be accessible to everyone.
That's why we've made it free.
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