The Inner Circle
Private group
4 members
$49 /month
I am using this to teach business & monetisation if you're interested in building a profitable business then this logs all of my findings.
I also share my dating and fitness skills inside.
If you commit to this you gain the second highest level of access with me to be successful.
(Mentorship 1-1 is the highest level of direct access to work with me)
If you need more access to me ask me via a free call through the calendy link on the side labelled 1-1 mentorship.
0 MEMBERS - $25
5 MEMBERS - $49 / £38 (current)
25 MEMBERS- $75
50 MEMBERS - $100
75 MEMBERS - $129
100 MEMBERS - $129 (Capacity)
Everything I post here is from my work and has worked for me.
I'm confident if you apply the lessons here, ask me questions and work with me.
You will obtain success in business, dating and fitness.
Do not fucking join if you are not committed to win.
This is for the most serious of competitors who are looking to succeed
If you join I will help you to the best of my abilities...
The Inner Circle
Official Community For the channel of InnerCircleC (Chandra)
Join to get the 2nd level of highest access to me where you can ask me questions.
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