Who here is familiar with Client Giant?
It's an automated quarterly gifting platform that increases client loyalty and I've been using it now for a full year with all my buyers.
I just had a closing so I was inputting another client in and wanted to share this with you all.
It's $99/client/year and they get 4 gifts personalized to them.
The feedback I receive is off the charts. ALL of them share the gifts on their instagrams, one of them was so happy and thought it was so thoughtful that he connected me with his friend...who happens to be an estate attorney in Lake View 🚀
Point is, I've ditched the closing gift packages/bottles of champagne entirely for this. And at $99, it's a no brainer.
CLICK HERE to sign up to client giant using my referral code and we each get $25 towards our next client. This is the BEST way to stay top of mind with our clients and remind them they're not just transactions.