What Would You Do With Slackers
Hard question to ask you (maybe not so hard).
But first, do you agree that :
Only the one who take actions get results and wins!
Furthermore, winners hang around with winners, right ?
So... What about people who join CCGG community and do nothing...
They're still stuck at level 1 after weeks
(where you need 5 likes to level up... yes, I know, it's ridiculous).
Well... long story short.
I am considering to "kindly exclude" from the CCGG community anyone who hasn't reached level 3 within 7 days after he joint.
It takes 25 likes to get to level 3...
(it's 1 or 2 posts and 10 to 20 decent comments to get to level 3...
yes, I know, it's nothing and I am generous with likes.)
Now, I could decide it alone, BUT I prefer to know what you think about it.
So the floor is yours, vote in the poll.👇
Put a comment to gain an easy like.😂
Daron, kick out the slackers! We want to hang out with action-takers.
I like ghosts & procrastinators, keep them in. (They must have good excuses)
6 votes
Daron Vener
What Would You Do With Slackers
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