Make time for gratitude.
Good afternoon Gentlemen.
Gratitude is a powerful tool to feel more positive emotions, improve your health, deal with adversity and build strong relationships. Even in the storm there is always something to be grateful for.
Write down 3 things you are grateful for in the present 1 thing you want to manifest. Use present tense language as if you already possess or have that which are asking for. By being thankful for it in the present allows you to feel gratitude for what is already yours as if it was already in your possession.
I'll go first..
  1. my health, that I get to do pushups, work out and push myself
  2. for the right protocol of diet and supplements to help my daughter cure her mast cell condition
  3. sunshine and warmer weather
  4. working with performance golf and teaching/educating golfers about the parallels between the golf swing and tai chi movements and how it can help their game
EngKeat Teh
Make time for gratitude.
The Calm Lion's Path
An open space for Traditional Men to receive support and learn about managing a successful relationship with a woman.
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