New course work
So I am in the process of writing out a mindset program that harnesses the power of neurologically biohacking the brain, letting fixed mindsets and traumas release, and morphing the power of the subconscious so your can have a better grasp of what you as a powerful entity are capable of. Who would want to be in the beta test group for something like that?
If you just want to dabble or “check it out” don’t volunteer.
For one, these methods wouldn’t work without commitment because neurological patterns take time to break and reprogram.
For two, half assed help doesn’t help me find flaws and errors in my work.
So if you would like to be in the first round (of a few rounds of this) let me know!
I have a few different courses I have been working on.
Dr. Bryan Call
New course work
Caiman Collective
For Entreprenuer dads who want to be better, live longer, dispell wisdom to their kids, and be an example for your family if the worst should happen.
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