Understanding Epics, Features, and User Stories through a story
Imagine you are planning a big family reunion. This event has many details to manage, so you decide to break it down into more manageable parts.
📅Epic: The Big Picture
An Epic is the big picture—the family reunion itself. It’s a broad goal that includes many tasks such as organizing food, sending invitations, and planning activities. The Epic gives you a clear vision of what you want to achieve.
🔍Features: Breaking It Down
You break the Epic into specific features such as “Organize Food,” “Send Invitations,” and “Plan Activities.” Each feature should:
  • Provide business value: Ensure a positive impact on the overall goal.
  • Be estimable: Clear enough for the team to estimate the work involved.
  • Be small enough to fit within 1-3 sprints: If too large, it should be broken down further.
  • Be testable: Testing criteria must be clear.
📝User Stories: Getting Specific
User Stories are specific tasks within each feature. For example, for “Organize Food,” a User Story could be: “As a guest, I want to choose between different meal options so I can enjoy food I like.” These User Stories help complete the feature and contribute to achieving the Epic.
In summary, Epics, Features, and User Stories help you manage large projects by breaking them down, ensuring every part is well-organized and nothing is overlooked🚀
***Source: LinkedIn
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Understanding Epics, Features, and User Stories through a story
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