Firstly, let's define what a vegetable is.
A vegetable constitutes the stems and leaves, for example celery and broccoli (stems) and kale, spinach, lettuce (leaves)
A fruit contains seeds, and is the structure that develops from the ovaries of a flowering plant: for example, apples, peaches, grapes, mangoes etc. One common misconception is that fruits are only sweet. There are actually plenty of savory fruits, for example eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, avocados, olives, squash, and bell peppers.
Tubers are roots. They’re so dense in nutrients that they literally sprout and sustain their own plants if left unharvested. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, and beets all fall under this category.
Kale was originally grown with the intention of feeding sheep since it is so inexpensive to grow.
Farmers were feeding kale to their sheep as an alternate food source, yet they started to realize that lambs were being born with goiter, or basically a swollen and poorly functioning thyroid gland.
Researchers experimented with kale on sheep and rabbits with disturbing results. Turns out kale does contain a goitrogen, thiocyanate, which is chemically very similar to deadly cyanide. Some young lambs were stillborn, their brain development stunted by their goiters.
The consumption of kale had blocked their thyroid’s ability to function properly even in the presence of proper iodine consumption.
Cows grazing on kale transferred its poisons to their milk, affecting the thyroid development of children who drank it and causing an epidemic of goiter in Tasmania.
Vegetables have evolved highly sophisticated natural pesticides and toxin mechanisms specifically to discourage insects and animals from eating them. The chief function of leaves on a plant is to facilitate photosynthesis by absorbing light energy from the sun and carbon dioxide into the stomata from the surrounding atmosphere, which allow the plant to grow and trigger cellular respiration, and it therefore makes perfect sense that a process so vital to the survival of the plant should be protected.
Since the metabolic functioning of an animal is the key to its long term health, it is not surprising that plant defence chemicals would have specific anti-metabolic effects on animals, in order to provide a negative evolutionary stimulus, allowing the plant to protect its most vital components, its leaves and stem, from becoming a routine part of an animal’s diet.
Vegetables are high in cellulose, which makes up the plant cell wall - which is high in fiber. We lack the enzyme cellulose - we can’t break down the cellulose. Thus the consumption of vegetables feeds the gram negative bacteria = more endodoxin.
If you want to eat them still... cooking vegetables breaks down the fiber and cellulose. So it doesn’t sit in the gut and ferment.
Aleks Fidurski
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