Time is Time
Hey there group. I just wanted to share something with everyone that I was reading about and it got me thinking. Do I really have time to learn and build a business? Simple answer is YES. A little about me, I am married have grown children, a disabled wife, children with disabilities and constantly on the move 24/7. No, I am not looking for sympathy or anything like that. I just want to give an example of my daily life including weekends. ALWAYS BUSY! That being said, do I really have the time to build my business? First is self evaluation, I have more time than one might think. I usually get up 5 to 6 in the morning. I make coffee, turn on the news and sit idle for an hour or two. What can be done with that time. I can take time to learn the business, respond to emails, build my online presence and more. Do you drop your kids off at school? Well then you have another 5 to 10 minutes to make calls or email. Doctor's appointments, well we know what waiting there is like. You have another 10 or 20 minutes before being seen. At night when you just want to chill and watch TV, well how much time is that? You get the drift...you have more time than you think. It is just a matter of how you utilize that time and then you will see results. It took me awhile to realize that myself but over time it really does pay off by reviewing what time you really do have. Stay focused my friends and it will happen. Just some insight I wanted to share.
Aaron Bellamy
Time is Time
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