Here Are 10 Things About Life You MUST know
Life is full of surprises, sometimes it will be with you and sometimes it'll go against you - but guess what, we move on.
  1. People will come and go ๐Ÿซ‚ - the people you never imagined to leave, will leave you.
2. An enemy of your foe, is a friend of yours ๐Ÿค - everyone likes to take revenge and they won't think twice to change sides.
3. Speaking too much is a weakness ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ - the people around you will not hear and value what you say otherwise.
4. Think several times before sharing your thoughts to anyone ๐Ÿ’ญ - people have many masks that they know when to wear and take off, there will be a time when they'll use it against you.
5. Ignore โœ‹- sometimes its best to mind our business which is also good for our inner peace and focus.
6. Build a relationship with your Creator ๐Ÿ› - understand that without His permission, nothing is possible so ask and ask only from Him, never bow to anyone except Him.
7. Surround yourself with high-value people ๐Ÿ‘ฅ - these people will motivate you to work harder regardless.
8. Be careful who you become friends with ๐Ÿ‘ฌ - your input of the environment, is an output of you.
9. Invest in yourself ๐Ÿ“ˆ - put the effort in and learn a new skill until you get so good at it that your skill set becomes a market need. 1
10. Do what pleases you ๐Ÿ’†โ€โ™€๏ธ- people will try to manipulate you to leave/do a certain task but stay firm to the ground and let your results speak.
There's so much more to share with you otherwise the post will get too long. So, follow and comment LESSONS and I'll send over everything I've learnt so far the long route so you won't have to.
P.S 87% of the books don't even mention the lessons I've learnt in life that are applicable to your lives. As always I'll leave you with a quote, "You don't need the words of others to prove your ability, your ability comes within and it will roar with results."
Usman Shazad
Here Are 10 Things About Life You MUST know
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