KISS Your PMF Please
If you want to get leads regularly, you want to follow these steps to figure our the one thing that is the foundation for everything!
Product-Market Fit
First - WHO:
  • What niche would you work with?
  • Where is it based or located?
  • How big is the company - their headcount?
Second - STAGE:
  • When was it funded - what stage is it at (e.g. established, funded, stagnant etc etc)?
  • What problem they need to realize they have to start working with you? (e.g. we are better than our competition, but our website is crap whereas theirs are much better - we need that too)
  • Have they realized that problem?
  • Are they actively looking for a solution? (i.e. your service)
Third - OFFER:
  • What exactly do you do for them?
  • How likely is the outcome?
  • How quickly can you help them achieve it?
  • Are there any guarantees?
You also want to provide as much social proof as possible - quality and quantity!
Once you can answer all these questions, you want to crystalize everything you do in a simple statement.
Here's how Tesla did it in 2008 with their Roadster (first model):
"The only car that goes from 0 to 60 mph in under 4 seconds… without a single drop of oil"
What did they do here?
They created their own category and, as a result, a monopoly!
You want to do the same with your positioning statement.
I prefer relying on the problems your potential clients want to resolve and the desired outcomes they want to achieve as a result.
We end up pushing them away from the problems they have and pulling them towards the results they want to obtain!
Here's an example:
"we help established fitness brands reduce CAC and increase organic sales from Google using quick SEO sprints"
To break it down...
  • High CAC is a problem since it affects their profitability - it's a PROBLEM they realize they have, so we push away from it
  • "Increase organic sales" - their DESIRED outcome - we pull towards it
  • "quick SEO sprints" - we reveal the method we use while addressing the common perception companies have about SEO (i.e. it takes aaages)
Once you got a solid understanding of your PMF, go, test it against the market.
I recommend talking to 1-10-50-100 people that fall into your ICP and see how they react to it.
Lead with the results you were able to obtain for your customers if possible.
If not, there are ways around...
Artem Klimkin
KISS Your PMF Please
Build a brand that gets 2-5+ warm leads per week from LinkedIn
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