Sports Design that has ~1k impressions but little to no engagement
Hi, I'm Luke and have been following your news account for a couple weeks and saw your strory the other day and thought it would help my account (@lindsell__). It's specifically sports design in which I post once a week due to time limitations through school/work etc. A few weeks back I thought I was starting to get somewhere as my posts were slowly getting more impressions and likes (from less than ten to 20-40 (sad ik)) before I got one "big" one which hit 150 likes and 5-10 story reposts. Ever since then however, it has fell off a cliff, and a graphic I posted this morning has currently got 5 likes (*next day edit* - tagged a few related accounts, no change to hashtags, gained 10-15 likes), all from friends that follow the account. I haven't changed my method once throughout this change, and the few small tweaks I ever made would be reverted after they inevitably failed. What am I doing wrong, and what can I do to grow. Thanks
Luke Lindsell
Sports Design that has ~1k impressions but little to no engagement
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