Apply to Win Our First Ever Transformation Scholarship!
Apply to Win Our First Ever Transformation Scholarship!
We’re looking for one highly motivated individual who has tried everything to get into shape, but can’t seem to make it a lifestyle.
If that’s you, we’re inviting you to apply for our first every Transformation Scholarship.
We want to help you feel like your best self, gain the confidence you deserve, and become the best version of yourself.The winner will receive…
- 24 Week Transformation Membership-
Unlimited At-home Workouts-
Personalized Nutrition Plan-
Dedicated Accountability Coach-
Supportive Community Network-
Access to Exclusive Workshops and Events-
Free Welcome GoodiesAll a $5,000 value!
Winner will be chosen on Facebook this Monday at 1pm!!
✅Contest open to new members and former clients before 2024
✅If a you nominate someone who wins, you will also win (Double Your Chances)
✅If a winner is nominated by a current member, that member will get a $200 gift card to the studio!
Marc Bochner
Apply to Win Our First Ever Transformation Scholarship!