Welcome to BMG: Badwater Mushroom Group
Our mission here is to share the newest developments for mushroom use for health and wellness and the best methods to grow mushrooms in all their different forms, as well as how to find them in the wild!
We want to make the best mushroom resource on the internet.
Whether you're new or are an advanced mushroom grower, this is a hub for discussion on improving your knowledge about growing mushrooms. If you want to be involved in making mushroom growing more accessible than ever before, you've found the right place!
Here are some rules for the community.
  1. We don't spam this community. If you notice somebody DMing you with spammy stuff, let us know and we'll take care of it.
  2. We want to submit the highest quality posts that help people learning more about how to grow mushrooms, how to forage them, and how to better understand the underlying processes of mycelial production. We love when you format your posts clearly with an intent to educate and inspire.
  3. Please ask questions. We won't know how to produce better guides if people don't ask questions.
  4. Let's keep this community positive and open, with no negative posts.
Please introduce yourself, and tell us where you are in the mushroom growing journey, whether beginner, advanced, or anywhere in between. Ask us anything!
And the easiest way to rise through the ranks in this community is by producing simple, high-quality guides.
Dom Alhambra
Welcome to BMG: Badwater Mushroom Group
Badwater Mushroom Group
Growing mushrooms doesn't have to be hard. Sign up and find out how to grow mushrooms quick and easy.
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