Should I purchase a light-blocking tent for growing mushrooms?
No, I don’t think you should purchase a light blocking tent for growing mushrooms. You should get a translucent tent because it allows indirect light to come in.
There’s a common misconception that mushrooms should grow in a dark space. This is because of a relatively long history of growing mushrooms in dark areas, especially in France where farmers grow button and portable mushrooms in stone quarries.
The benefit of these quarries was not because they were dark, but because they held in humidity and maintained consistent temperatures throughout the year, allowing farmers to grow the mushrooms year-round.
Mycelium and mushroom fruiting bodies don’t need sunlight/UV light like plants, but they are guided by light for fruiting bodies to grow toward. I’ve read multiple studies on lights effect on mushrooms and mycelium, and the funny thing is that I can’t find definitive results for light versus dark, or even which color of lights is best.
There is a great technical article that concludes green, red, and blue colors of light can have different benefits for certain mushrooms but in the end, what matters is that indirect exposure to light for 10-14 hours per day will result in larger fruiting bodies compared to keeping them in the dark.
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Dom Alhambra
Should I purchase a light-blocking tent for growing mushrooms?
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