Lessons Learned
Trying to be better on writing down the things I learn from day to day. Here it is:
  1. You will never get anywhere without good boundaries. If you allow people to walk all over you for the sake of keeping them, you will lose yourself in the process.
  2. Trust your gut intuition, if you feel like something isnโ€™t right, it probably isnโ€™t. Your intuition will keep you safe.
  3. Networking is one of the key components of business. Especially as an entrepreneur, you are your business. If people donโ€™t know you exist, you wonโ€™t go far.
  4. Learn from everyone you meet. Be open to relationships you might not have typically been open to. You can learn something (good or bad) from everyone you meet. Take the time to listen, learn, and ask good questions. This will get you far.
This is what Iโ€™ve learned so far today. Iโ€™m super excited about the doors that are opening for me because I decided to step out of mine.
Samantha Claudio
Lessons Learned
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