My dopamine experiment
Been experimenting with boosting my dopamine levels for the past week, and here's the scoop on my experience. Honestly, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster. Starting this whole dopamine protocol from Everything Dopamine, I realized I've got this intense urge to keep scrolling on my phone, binge on YouTube, or dive deep into video games. It's almost like I'm hooked on these things more than before.
But, and here's the cool part, when I actually sit down to work, I'm locked in. I can focus for like 3-4 hours straight, no sweat, and even enjoy what I'm doing. So, if you're someone who's already kicked some bad habits to the curb or you're in the process of doing it, this dopamine boosting routine could seriously work wonders for you. On the flip side, if you've got some dopamine-driven habits, they might amp up a bit at first.
For the busy bees and business owners out there, this could be the turbo boost you need first thing in the morning. My game plan for the upcoming week? Tackle these not-so-great habits head-on. I'm curious to see how far I can push this protocol and what changes I'll notice. Stay tuned, and I'll keep you all posted on the journey.
Yaseen Peeples
My dopamine experiment
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