Slowing Down
I love this feeling. When life forces me to revaluate. When life forces me to be the best in any given moment, reminding me that regardless of my situation, it is up to me on how I choose to reply. We are who we seek to become, and in a war of one, who is our opponent?
Our opponent is our higher self. Fighting everyday to achieve enlightenment. Yet, trusting diving timing IS fighting efficiently! Worry, Fear, Doubt are survival tactics that should be dismissed to prevent lack of creativity and overthinking. Slow down enough to hear what your mind, body, and soul connection is telling you.
Remember that blessings are always right under your nose, but those will only be recognized if we slow down and BREATH. This allows us to coincide with the oneness that we can all be with.
I love this feeling.
Kyle Schools
Slowing Down
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