When we think of self-care, we often think of the things that allow us to temporarily check out of reality. When I ask others what their favorite forms of self-care are, I often hear things like, “mani/pedi appointments, coffee dates, facials, and naps.” Don’t get me wrong, I love these things as well, and there’s no doubt they’re needed and appreciated sometimes; however, true self-care goes much deeper. Real self-care is creating a life that you feel like you don’t need a break from - a life where you enjoy doing things for yourself, but they aren’t your escape.
True self-care means doing things today that’ll set you up for a better tomorrow. ✨
We often think of compassion when we think of self-care, but I’d like to present a thought you’ve likely never thought about - compassion doesn’t always look like you think it does. Compassion isn’t always soothing. It doesn’t always sound nice. It isn’t always agreeable. True compassion looks like TRUTH because being truthful with yourself (and others) is the thing that will hurl you forward in your journey. The concept of self-care is similar. It isn’t taking the easy road. It’s taking the RIGHT road - the road that gives you a better future. 💯
Check out some of the self-care ideas on the Psychology Today website:
Take a moment to see what’s coming up in our group this week.
  • What’s your favorite way to indulge in simple self-care? These would be things like mani/pedi days, spa days, etc. Then, what’s your favorite form of true self-care? These would be things like getting outside every day, exercising, cooking gut-healthy meals, etc.
Aleiah Kennedy
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