The mental shift I needed to start solo traveling
Let’s be clear I was still terrified BUT there’s one thing that actually got me on the flight. Odds are, you’ve probably had the feeling of FOMO before so here’s how you’re gonna use that to your advantage
Stop using “I wish I could..” or “I should..” to make yourself feel like you’re not doing enough or aren’t capable of doing the things you want to try. Use that same core feeling to make the what ifs more fun!! Before my first trip when I was in the stages of talking myself out of it, I kept thinking about the me that was on a ~different timeline~ who DID take the trip.
Neither version of myself was better or worse, but I kept thinking ya know “what’s she doing? how did she feel after going? what did she get to experience? she’s probably having a good time sooo idk I’m a little curious”So taking the what ifs (“what if something bad happens?” “what if I don’t have fun?”) and turning them into “what if it’s like my favorite thing ever?” and “what if I’m missing out on a really important experience that I’m supposed to have?” and “what if I never get the chance to do this later?” will reallyyyy help get you on that flight.
I’m still scared and feel lowkey sick to my stomach before every trip LMAO but have to remind myself that the opportunity to do this could literally end at any time (& u better believe that changes my attitude REAL quick) It doesn’t matter what you tell yourself as long as you get there!!
Truly there is no better time for being delusional and trusting that you’ll figure it out
Sierra Belle
The mental shift I needed to start solo traveling
Solo Travel for Women 🌎
Community of women interested in solo travel, or already exploring the world!
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