Variety and Keeping it Fun
I usually stick to bodybuilding style workouts. 5-8 exercises, usually 8-15 rep range, etc. It's great, and I've had satisfying results. However, I've been an athlete for most of my life, and I miss the feeling of being quick and fast and athletic as I was.
There was a fundraiser at my gym this weekend, with free classes going all day. My girlfriend convinced me to do the kettlebell class. 1 hour, 35 lb kettlebell, focused on hips and glutes.
I am two days post workout now, and I can barely move. It's awesome.
I do a little bit of a lot of things. Volleyball, Jiu Jitsu, basketball, cross fit, running, spikeball, pickleball, golf. Many people would argue I should focus more on one thing for better results.
I disagree. I think the object of the game of fitness is to continue to play the game. The longer you play, the better it gets. For me, that means variety and challenging myself in new ways. That's what keeps it fun, and that's what keeps me beating yesterday.
Let me know your thoughts!
Jordan Foster
Variety and Keeping it Fun
Beating Yesterday
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