I am fucking dying!
Here’s the deal: cold and flu season is coming, and it's going to hit some of us hard. So, let’s talk about how to handle your training and nutrition when you're feeling under the weather.
Nutrition When You're Sick
It’s normal for your appetite to take a nosedive when you're sick. Your body’s first priority is survival, not building muscle or burning fat. It's putting all its energy into fighting off the virus, so appetite naturally drops to conserve energy for recovery.
Still, do your best to prioritise protein. It’s crucial for maintaining muscle mass, especially if you're not training. If you're on a fat loss journey, bump your calories up to maintenance while you're sick – recovery comes first. If you're in a bulking phase, having an off-plan meal is fine. Just don’t go overboard – moderation is key here.
And hydration? It’s non-negotiable. That doesn’t just mean water – make sure you’re getting enough electrolytes too, to keep your system balanced and functioning well.
Training When You're Sick
Forget about it. Training when you're sick only piles more stress onto an already overwhelmed body. The smartest thing you can do is rest and let your body recover.
Once you're feeling about 85-90% better, then you can ease back into the gym. Start with a freestyle session – something light to test the waters.
Focus on arms or another low-fatigue area, and avoid training to failure. Keep it chill, leave a couple of reps in the tank, and rebuild your momentum gradually.
As for cardio, same rules apply – skip it until you’re feeling strong again.
Recovery is King!
The last thing you want is to drag out your illness because you didn’t let your body recover. Treat this just like muscle recovery – rest is king. Listen to your body, give it time to heal, and you’ll be back stronger than before.
Imthiaz Ghulam
I am fucking dying!
Base Alpha
At Base Alpha, we believe that there is greatness in everyone. And we want to unleash greatness within every person who comes to us.
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