Tip of the Week (9/15/2024)
Implement Time-Limited Offers to Boost Traffic
If your cocktail bar experiences slow periods, such as late afternoons or early evenings, consider implementing time-limited offers to boost traffic during these hours. For example, you could introduce a “happy hour” promotion where customers receive a free cocktail with the purchase of another or a “buy one, get one free” deal.
Promote these offers through your website, social media, and in-bar signage to ensure that they reach your target audience. By making these offers a regular feature, you can help fill gaps in sales and encourage repeat visits from customers who plan their outings around your promotions.
William Schueddig
Tip of the Week (9/15/2024)
Bar Kings
Hear ye, hear ye! Gather, all ye Bar Owners, Managers, Bartenders, and Barflies to partake in wisdom, converse, and revelry! Join the grand festivity!
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