backgrounds? Part1: 4 ways.
This not a full guide but I'll explain the basics of how I'd recommend you to make your backgrounds.
Next part I'll cover the steps to actually draw them!
There are a few ways to draw your backgrounds:
From the head, no need to explain you just draw them from your big brain.
You find a picture from Google and draw it in your animation. The downside here is that you can't make the scene you need multiple backgrounds in the same location from different angles. (Unless you find many angles exactly as you need in some magic way).
This way works good when you make a simpler scene that does not need alot of different angles.
Make it your own.
Let's say you want to animate a scene of tanks tanking over a city in ww2. What you'll do is finding a video in youtube depicting the same historical event (it can be an animated recreation or real life videos of that event). or an animation you find on YouTube that resembles the way you want to create your scene.
Now, when you have the video take screenshoots of the angles/moments you want in your animation insert them in your animation program draw them one by one in different files and now animate!
**IMPORTANT: Your background is as your as good as your reference !!**
The Lazy but effective way:
You take different parts of old backgrounds and combine them to make a new one.
For example:
The ground and sky from one background.
Hill in the back from some other one
And trees from a 3rd one. If you'll look carefully many artists use this method to save time and move on quickly.
This is part 1 just the ways to make them.
I can yap for hours on backgrounds but I won't.
Beg in the comments for part 2.
Feel free to DM me for help with background or more explanation for the yapping above.
Btw give me an best post award!
Emmanuel Kh
backgrounds? Part1: 4 ways.
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