How to get on TEDx Stages guaranteed
As a TEDx licence I organize TEDx events, have spoken on big TEDx stages and nail big speaking engagement because of it here is my advice
1- Have an idea worth spreading. Not motivation , mindset or self help stuff . Remember TED stands for Technology, Education and Design . Got it? They already have all the famous talks on mindset , leave it alone
2- One you have one title , crafts your first 300 word of the talk. Make a strong title and break it down. Does it really cover an idea? Great , you are good
3- search for TEDx organizer in your community to pitch to, apply to speak on their stage . Make sure your intention is not to promote. Go through their process , don’t act like a know it all.
You do not have to be an expert to be on TEDx, you just need an idea worth spreading .
It can be about bees, plants , sleep, saving electricity, AI for storefront, ect
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Marj Empire
How to get on TEDx Stages guaranteed
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