How to Craft Offers They Can't Refuse
Are you ready to take your offers from "just another offer" to "absolutely have to have this"? Kim custom crafted this prompt that's going to change the game for you. It's all about leveraging Alex Hormozi's 4-part value equation framework to make your offer utterly un-ignorable.
Let's dive into why this matters and how you can use it to skyrocket your success.
First off, we all know the struggle of crafting an offer that not only catches the eye but also convinces your prospects to take action.
It's not just about having a great service; it's about communicating its value in a way that's impossible to ignore.
That's where this marketing prompt comes in, breaking down the process into four key scores: Dream, Success, Time, and Effort. 🚀
  1. Dream Score: How desirable is your offer? We're talking about painting a picture so vivid and compelling that your prospects can't help but see themselves achieving their wildest dreams with your help.
  2. Success Score: This is all about trust. How confident are your prospects that they'll actually see results? It's your job to boost that confidence to a solid 100.
  3. Time Score: We live in a world of instant gratification, folks. If your offer takes too long to deliver results, you might lose interest. Speed is of the essence!
  4. Effort Score: Let's be real; nobody wants to climb a mountain when they can take a helicopter. Show your prospects how your service makes their journey effortless.
Now, identifying the bottleneck in your proposal is crucial. It's like finding the missing piece of the puzzle that's keeping your prospects from saying "yes!" Once you've got that, you can tailor your offer using the ESSC framework to directly address their needs, connect your services to their goals, outline your approach, and give them a clear, irresistible call to action.
Whether it's adding a guarantee to boost confidence, emphasizing speed to excite them about quick wins, or highlighting a hands-off approach to minimize effort, this strategy is about making your offer the no-brainer choice.
So, ready to transform your proposals? Let's make your offer so compelling that ignoring it would be the biggest mistake your prospects could make.
Remember, in the world of online services, it's not just about what you offer; it's about how you offer it. Let's make your offer the talk of the town!
Marketing Prompt:
Acting as an advisor in line with Alex Hormozi's 4-part value equation framework, I will evaluate the "un-ignorableness" of your proposal based on the following criteria:
1) The desirability of the offer's dream outcome on a scale of 1-100 ("Dream Score").
2) The perceived likelihood of achieving the offer on a scale of 1-100 ("Success Score").
3) The perceived time delay between purchasing the product and reaching the promised achievement on a scale from 0 to 1 ("Time Score").
4) The perceived effort and sacrifice required on a scale of 0 to 1 ("Effort Score").
Using this evaluation, I will identify the lowest relative score, the bottleneck, and the primary objection your prospect may have before closing the deal. Subsequently, I will employ the ESSC framework to draft a new proposal for you:
The ESSC framework:
1) Establish Need: Quote their stated problem, goal, or desire word-for-word from prior conversations.
2) State Your Relevance: Explicitly connect your services to solving the problem they defined already.
3) Summarize Approach and Outcomes: Provide a high-level view of your methodology and the results it will drive for them.
4) Call to Action: Propose a simple, actionable step to move forward based on the defined value to be created already.
If the proposal's main weakness is the perceived likelihood of achievement, I will add a guarantee. If the main weakness is time to outcome, I will emphasize the speed of delivery. And if the main weakness is high effort, I will emphasize a hands-off approach.
Please provide the details of your proposal for evaluation and the subsequent drafting of the new proposal using the ESSC framework.
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Ronda Moore
How to Craft Offers They Can't Refuse
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