Chat GPT for multiple clients
I'm taking the AI Masterclass and loving it. Kim doesn't seem to address how to set up Chat GPT for multiple clients, can you help with that? I've done the market analysis and followed all the steps she outlined to train Chat GPT to know my ideal client well (she suggested putting an emoji in the title of the prompt) but when I'm working with multiple clients, should I create a unique GPT for each client and in that unique GPT input all the data points she is teaching us to use? And if so, would I put that information into the "Configure Instructions" so that the GPT knows that particular customer and buyer persona? Thanks for your clarifying this for me.
• Jan '24
great question! The way we do it is to train a brand speak chat thread for each client following along with the AI Masterclass training for each client. I don't use the instructions part of ChatGPT because it messes with my individual client branded chat threads. Feel free to ask any follow on questions. Happy to help!
• Jan '24
I set up the instructions as you taught, I created some prompts, now I want to add in more instructions about my ideal client so that the threat prompt is more accurate. Can I simply add in more instructions about my client? And will the threat prompt pick that up and add it to my original instructions? Or do I need to recreate the entire instruction with my new information? I hope this makes sense...I'm working to get my thread prompt as accurate as possible for my client.
• Jan '24
, to make sure I understand, so I create a prompt for my client then keep all prompts for that client inside that one thread/prompt?
• Jan '24 (edited)
Yes, that's correct. I "train" the brand chat thread for each client using the same process I teach in the AI Masterclass. This gives me a huge edge when it comes to creating content that resonates with their audience AND is on brand voice.
I usually label my client threads like:
Emoji that signifies their brand in some way and NAME like:
• Jan '24
thanks, makes sense. I appreciate the clarification!
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Jeff Nicely
Chat GPT for multiple clients
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