‼️Are you making this mistake?
Do you know the #1 mistake parents make when starting a coaching business?
They focus on THE PROCESS.
Hear me out: Nobody cares about your process.
What people care about and what they’ll pay for is the END RESULT you can deliver.
For example:
Would you rather hear about spending hours perfecting the art of running Facebook ads…
Or how to bring in an extra $1,000 every single month without giving up family time?
Here’s another one for you. Would you rather learn about complicated sales strategies…
Or how to confidently sign 5 paying clients in the next 30 days?
It’s simple: People care about results.
And if the result matters enough, they’ll go through any process to get it, even if it’s hard.
Now, let’s talk about you:
When someone asks, “What do you help people with?” do you talk about the process?
“I help parents find clarity.”
“I help parents with goal setting.”
“I teach parents productivity skills.”
Or do you focus on the END result?
Clarity = Building a profitable coaching business.
Goal setting = Hitting $1,000+ in monthly income.
Productivity = More time with family while running a business.
If you want to sell your coaching services, you need to tie your process to one of these four end results:
  1. Wealth – Help people make or save more money.
  2. Relationships – Help people connect with their loved ones or build stronger bonds.
  3. Chronic Pain Relief – Solve a personal struggle (physical or emotional).
  4. Beauty – Help them feel or look their best.
Here’s how to get started:
  1. Look at your process (what you teach or coach on).
  2. Tie it to a powerful result your target audience deeply wants to achieve.
  3. Make that result the focus of your conversations, marketing, and content.
Example: I help parents earn $1,000+/month by starting or growing their coaching business.
The process?
Teaching them how to turn what they know into highly lucrative high ticket coaching offers.
Showing them how to find and sign dream clients.
Helping them build a simple, repeatable system to keep it running WHILE being a parent.
But guess what?
Nobody asks about that process until AFTER they sign up. Because they’re not paying for the steps, they’re paying for the result.
Remember this: Sell the result first, then make the process easy to follow.
If you found this helpful and want to start earning $1,000+/month as a coach, let’s chat.
What’s the result YOU want to help others achieve? Drop it in the comments.
Maximus Cavalic
‼️Are you making this mistake?
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