April 11th Entity
I projected last night straight from wakefulness I think. I remember hearing something from what I knew to be Mother Gaia, beckoning me to project. I became lucid in that moment and left my body. There was an entity across the room and I knew it to be some kind of sex addict succubus. I felt fear at first but I didn't let it stop me and kept telling myself that there is a lesson to be had here. I deepened my awareness by touching my environment and scrutinizing the details of things around me. I tried to control the environment like I would in a lucid dream, but was unsuccessful. I ended up killing the succubus quite brutally and then my projection bled into a dream about an old friend and I putting on a dog award show. I lost lucidity at this point.
Brantley Storey
April 11th Entity
Astral Travelers
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