Dec '22 (edited) in Getting Started
Step 4.1: Getting from Point A to Point B & Mapping Your Business
The first thing you have to do is take a look at the systems you already have in place. Is your system as simple as a lead flow "phone call to clipboard or a notepad" I referenced earlier?
It really doesn’t matter, because even if you think you don’t have system in place… you have a system.
What I want you to do is visualize your current lead flow process. When a lead comes into your business (we will start with the easy one) in the form of a phone call, what happens?
  • When your phone rings, who answers it?
  • What happens with the call information?
  • Does it go right into an Excel file?
  • Does it get typed into your CRM software (Customer Relationship Management) tool?
I love exploring this process when I first meet with and ask the owners about this process. Every time this process is introduced, owners see the business like never before.
Mapping out your Business
Most business owners have never done this. It's amazing what happens when you take the time to map it out. I use a simple cloud tool called to map out clients. Using API’s I can connect these drawings to Google Drive, among others for maximum sharing input.
Take look at the images below, for this example; it's not important to be able to see what it says on each box. What I want to illustrate to you is the power of this process. Actually visualizing your current lead process, call process, sales process etc.
Looking below you will notice the map is detailed on each step of the process. Draw out a diagram of how that inbound lead turns into a sale for your business and share it with your management and ask for feedback.
You may find little inefficiencies that can be corrected to increase productivity. You may not realize it, but you do have a system in place. When you take the time to draw it out, you will see things differently.
At the end of the day, whatever your map looks like is the current system you have in place.
This is point A, where you are at now.
When you begin to look at your business from a digital perspective as one big marketing funnel your entire perspective on your business can and will change. Add in marketing automation, paid traffic and clear conversion paths that are tied to Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) as it relates to your digital marketing plan, you will have moved from Point A to Point B.
Point B is the new perspective you will have on your business.
What are your thoughts? Share below in the comments.
Troy Scott
Step 4.1: Getting from Point A to Point B & Mapping Your Business
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