My Name Is Zues, Welcome!
Hi my name is Zues Ordaz. I live in the USA and I’m planning on building a community to help men overcome the fear of rejection, master the art of reading mixed signals, and understand women's psychology.
I want to get these 3 things from the community:
  1.  Learn more about traffic, conversion & retention. How to grow on Skool.
  2.  Get to know more people on the same journey.
  3. Want to go all in and meet Hormozi & Sam Ovens :)
For fun I like to do these 3 things:
  1.  Grow Businesses
  2.  Working Out
  3.  Play Golf
Can't wait to talk more with all of you in here!
P.S. What excited you the most about joining this community?
📚 Learning Tips & Tricks: Master dating skills and build genuine connections without changing who you are.
🌐 Networking: Connecting with like-minded individuals on the same journey
🏆 Challenges & Competitions
11 votes
Zues Ordaz
My Name Is Zues, Welcome!
Art Of Attraction (FREE)
Helping Men Understand Women Psychology, Mixed Signals, Avoid The Friend-Zone & Never Feel Rejected Again. Attract The Women You Desire 🚀
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